Naaseh v’nishma”
Vernal Eqinox is upon us this weekend. Important holidays are coming. It is a
holy time for Jews and Christians. All of these are a time of reflection and
I would like to wish everyone
a spring full of sunlight and growth. This time of year brings me to thoughts
about being human, and what we all share. As a matter of fact, I think about being
the best human we can be. Allow me to
set a stage for a very important moment for these two faiths. We are at the foot of Mt Sinai. Moses has
brought the Ten Commandments down to the Israelites. He has given detailed
rules. What did the people say? Was it,
what we might think? We will listen and we will do?? NO. They said, “we will do and we will listen.” Filled with so much faith in
these commandments, they instinctively understood that these were instructions
to be followed to the letter. There
would be time later to fully comprehend their meaning.
The Cantor at my synagogue,
Lonee Frailich, wrote about this a few weeks ago. I paraphrased what she wrote in our temple
bulletin about the Torah portion from that week.
These words struck me
because, although the people of Israel were not only given tools to act, they
were given these laws to help them reach beyond their limitations. The understanding and meaning behind these
actions could only come from the experience itself.
What does this bring up for
you? This probably sounds familiar to
those who engage in awareness and learning. In Awareness Through Movement® we move, and
then we learn. We help our students become aware of what they do, of what is
happening. We do and while we are doing, we explore, and learn. Moshe Feldenkrais gave us tools to be able to
learn more about ourselves, about our possibilities for growth and health, and
to live with grace.
In either a “hands on” or group session, understanding and
meaning of our actions comes from the experience of moving being mindful, and
connecting the parts. Dr. Feldenkrais taught us that we all, no matter what our
situation, ability, difficulty, or disability is, can learn and improve. He
taught us that even if we are high level performers, we have more
Moshe Feldenkrais obviously
did not invent these ideas. They have been around for thousands of years. He
pulled from a lifetime of learning and experience.
Although we strive to learn
and do good deeds for others, we must remember to take care of ourselves. Part
of helping the world, is helping yourself and staying healthy. Sometimes it is hard to take the time to
learn something new. I tell my children,
“act as if, and you will see and feel the change.”
Naaseh v’nishma.
Chag Sameach and Happy Easter!
Beth R
Movement Matters Connection Matters Mindfulness Matters
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